
Useful Information and Tips Related to the Rental Car

Friday, March 4, 2011
Car Rental France
If you get a car at the airport:
Immediately after exiting the baggage hall follow the signs for "Rent a car". As a rule, at all airports in offices all rolled firms located in the same room. In this room find a rack with the name of your car rental firm to be specified on the voucher - for example, Avis, Budget, Alamo, Sixt, etc.

If you get a car in the city:
On your voucher there should be the address of the office and work hours. In the office or on a rack to your car rental company you must present a voucher, license, passport, credit cards sometimes air ticket too. You will also need to fill out a small card with - name, passport number and home address. Employee hire firm will prepare a contract for the rental car. Read the contract carefully. If you wish to purchase additional insurance, for example, superstrahovku reduces the size of the franchise to zero, or purchase additional equipment or to issue permission for additional driver - tell the staff hire firm before you sign.

If you're in something not sure - ask the staff hire firm before you sign. It makes sense to ask - is there any toll roads and, if so, how and where to pay for them. For example, there are toll roads in Austria.

Before you get behind the wheel:
Carefully inspect the car and make sure that the car does not have any damage, dents, scratches, etc. In case of any damage to the car, inform the employee of the hire company that he described all this in the contract.

 Check the availability of additional equipment.
 Assess your capabilities in the management of the car.
 Specify the type of fuel. Fuel tank should be full.
 In the glove compartment of the car, as a rule, there is a map of the country and telephone "hot line" of firm-distributors.

You have a car, sit down, go - all good. What to look for?

Give a well-known advice:
  1. Do not break the rules, watch for signs.
  2. A rule that no one performs in France - on the highway does not take the left lane, if the free right. The left lane when the free right-only for overtaking.
  3. On the motorways in some cities - consider that there is no speed limit except for sites where there are restrictive signs. As a result - the machine go VERY QUICKLY. And motorcyclists even faster. The speed of 200-220 kilometers per hour on the autobahn quite common, usually the total flow rate of at least 150 km / h only at places without traffic jams, of course.
  4. If you are driving on the Autobahn from city to other, for example, or in any other country - in all other countries have speed limits. When a few days ride fast on some cities, usually you get used to it and by inertia continue to move at high speed for a different country, and then do not. Serious penalties, ranging from 100 Euros and more.
  5. The general style of driving - if you drive a car in Paris - you'll just relax for driving in most European countries. Only in Italy about a similar driving style. In its mass all go by the rules on the wrong side do not travel for some reason, on roadsides and do not travel, even in traffic jams.
  6. The Police - is extremely rare. In the ambush with the radar is not worth it. Measures the speed cameras that take pictures of your car, if you exceed the speed.
  7. Tube - yes, of course there are. Classic - Friday evening from the big city, Sunday night - back to the city, as well as France.
  8. Most elementary rules applicable to any country - always lock your car, do not leave in a conspicuous place front seat phones, laptops, and other valuables. There, too, stealing, less certainly, but they steal.

Upon delivery of the car hire company employee, be sure to make a corresponding note in the contract or issued a separate document confirming that the car is returned in the same condition as when received, and that the hire company does not have to do you any material claims . Keep your copy of the contract or a separate document with this mark.
Here, for example, looks like a confirmation back from SIXT car.

If you rent a car at the airport at unearthly hours e.g. at night, then you park the car on the appropriate parking lot, and documents and drop your keys into a special box next to your machine. Do not immerse the contract in a drawer, he should stay with you. What does it mean for the corresponding parking - if you rented a car, such as AVIS, Park your car at the parking lot, where indicated AVIS, no need in this case, leave the car in the parking Hertz or Budget. If you leave the car after hours, you remain responsible for the car before the opening of the office until the employee hire firms do not check it out.

Note - you need to pass a car at a time that is specified in the contract or earlier! If you open-date, your card will write off the amount of rent for one day! Merge in advance and keep in mind that quite often at airports is part of wanting to surrender the car.

Before you finally leave the vehicle and deliver its staff of firm-distributors - Check whether you have forgotten something in the car? According to statistics, most often the tourists were forgotten phones and laptops.

Of course, you cannot follow these rules and just leave the car anywhere. In this case, the firm announced the hire car on the wanted list and your credit card will be deducted penalty for the car and wanted a penalty for late payment of rent a car.


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