
honda civic hatchback

Monday, September 12, 2011
honda civic hatchback
 honda civic hatchback
 honda civic hatchback

honda civic hatchback

After the usual sleep-deprived schedule that precedes most Hot Import Night events, entrant Joey Touchton slipped into the solace of slumber after his 2000 Civic earned him enough accolades to finally relax. Various modifications such as the Skyline taillights and the custom 19-inch rollers from HRE helped secure a respectable position in the competitive Civic class. He went to bed content, but his sweet slumber was shattered by a bearer of bad news. "Joey, wake up!" came the urgent announcement from his friend. "Something's wrong with your car!"The previous night Joey had entrusted the keys to the valet. He must not have tipped or something because sure enough the unscrupulous car-parker left the show car open. When Joey opened the door and looked behind the Sparco Flash 5 steering wheel he found the ignition wires spilling from the column like intestines out of a slashed stomach. At this point, Joey wanted to slash the stomach of the valet with a box cutter. But he refrained, choosing instead to take a deep breath and see what good might come out of the situation. "It was a bad thing," said Joey. "But it did have good repercussions."
In an effort to prohibit this sort of fiendish hooliganism from happening again, Joey had the door handles shaved and solenoids installed. While he was at it he had the moldings shaved and a Sparco gas cap molded in. These upgrades, and others following, would bring Joey's Civic to the pinnacle of perfection.


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